Challenge your pupils by using time saving pre-made resources from the resource library or our books

Colouring Sheet - Bee

Colouring Sheet – Bee

My name is John Foxwell and I am one of the creators of EMAS UK. My wife and I both teachers created every single sheet in the resource bank and have tried to aim it at differing age groups more inclined towards a level rather than the age. Some of the resources are as basic as numbers but that rises as the levels get more challenging to cells and their make-up. I tried giving access to the resource library but found that some teachers just downloaded all the wanted and then didn’t buy the product, which was a real shame as the resource library is extremely good value and covers a wide range of ages and levels, 3 to 16 and levels 1 to 5.

Using the language mat to reingforce and bridge skills across languages.

Skills transference between Arabic and English

The books are interesting as they have different purposes. Pip is all about discussing emotions and starting points, its ability is to start talking about the fear of moving somewhere new, the loneliness of feeling alone and the differences in locations, finishing with the learner understanding that they will make friends and they will feel more at home as time goes by. The maths books is designed to take the learners current knowledge teach them the words that they need to understand what is being asked in English and join their peers as quickly as possible. It also helps teach new concepts by having the right words for the mathematical shapes, operations and procedures in dual language text, bridging the gap between prior learning and current understanding without lack of developmental knowledge.

Different types of Triangles

Different types of Triangles

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The first language is the language of ‘love’

Teachers often ask advice as to what to say to parents who say to them that they want their children only to speak English. My advice is always that the first language is a great bridge to learning the second language quicker, but also the key to their roots so I was immediately drawn to this recent article

The first language is the foundation for the second language. In addition, it is the language of “love;” the language in which, parents, grandparents, cousins and aunts communicate. If a young child is separated from that circle of communication, a valuable developmental tool is taken away. The American Speech-Language and Hearing Association says, parents should support and build the first language as children learn the second language. Parents should continue to use the first language with their child and feel comfortable doing so.

They further go on to say

First, it is critical for your child to use language often, no matter the language. Some parents have been told that their child should stop using the home language (for example, Spanish), if they are having difficulty learning English. This advice has been given to parents for many years, but it is not correct.

Finally the article gives advice on the type of things that you should look out for incase there is a problem with speech development using Spanish as the second language to give examples.

There are some additional things to be aware of as your child is developing language. Your 1-year-old should be alert to her surroundings, follow simple commands, such as “come to mama or ven a mama,” and try to make babbling sounds like “mama and dada.” Two-year-old children should be putting two words together, such as “no quiero or up now;” however, the sounds in the words may not all be clear. By 3 years of age, your child should be using short phrases and sentences to communicate.

The language of many 3-year-olds is so mature that they sound like miniature adults. If your child is in school and is having difficulty, the first thing to do is to find out if the first language is developing normally. As schoolwork in English becomes more demanding, your child may face more challenges in school and sometimes be discouraged. Good language use is important to all subjects in school. Talk to your child’s teacher or  request a speech and language evaluation in both languages.

I hope this helps as often we are unsure of what to say and why. If there are any other benefits please share them with the other readers of the blog via the comments box.

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